Meet Pippa!

Hi there! I'm a Commonwealth registered marriage celebrant based in Central West NSW, but I travel anywhere and everywhere for weddings!

If you're watching this and you're planning your wedding, I know first hand how many things you need to be thinking about and decisions you need to be making. So I'm here to make this bit easy!

Your wedding ceremony is your culmination of your story as a couple and your story deserves to be told well. Your wedding ceremony doesn't have to be the boring part of the day, the part where you quietly wonder where the bar is and when you can start having fun. No, siree! 

You can actually enjoy your wedding ceremony - immensely! Treat yourself to a ceremony that you actually like, or maybe even love!A ceremony that gets the party started and kicks off the celebrations, so once it's done, the good times just keep rolling and your special day is memorable for all the right reasons.

It all starts with your ceremony. So, let's get this show on the road and make your wedding the best party ever! I can't wait to meet you!

Get to know Pippa
  1. My friends call me Pippa, but it's actually short for Philippa (with one 'L' and two 'P's.)

  2. I studied script writing for film and television and have worked professionally as an actor, script writer, producer, MC and commercial radio broadcaster.

  3. I live on a farm near Trangie, NSW, with my husband Lewis, (aka 'Farmer Lewis') two cattle dogs, two horses and the occasional poddy calf or lamb. We love pottering around in our garden and cooking together in our camp oven (You can check out our 'Camp Oven Cooking Adventures' on Instagram!)

  4. We had to postpone our wedding thanks to C*vid - the worst kind of wedding crasher. Ugh, what a doozy of a time - wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I'd like to think that this god-awful experience has gifted me with a greater understanding of how to best support couples as they navigate the very real stress and overwhelm that can come with wedding planning. It was also a great reframer for the stuff that really matters. Lewis and I got married in January 2022 and our day was incredibly special and a lot of fun, as I passionately believe all weddings should be.

  5. The two things that I love most in the world are people and storytelling, which is why being a celebrant really is the best job in the world and one that very rarely feels like 'work'. Everyone has a story.

    I can't wait to hear yours.

Photo of Pippa standing in front of tropical plants, pointing animatedly to her engagement ring and smiling
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